Monday, February 24, 2020

Applying L and L to LFTVD

LIVINGSTONE AND LUNT Some ideas of how to apply, what else? 

 • Look at the age rating on dvds for it. Why it got this etc... 
• Where it was shown in the UK and how that might fit into PSB regulation (giving choice to consumers) under OFCOM. 
• Linking content to post watershed scheduling, but how scheduling is not a relevant system of regulation in the contemporary media landscape of place and time shifted media. If it was available on iplayer which as a BBC service, it is regulated in a similar way to standard TV, so it is less of a risk. Because it is now available on Amazon Prime Video, regulation is an interesting one for D’83. These articles are really helpful.

Essentially the part to evaluate is the 'idea that the rise of convergent technologies puts traditional regulation at risk'. As part of the Prime subscription more likelihood that younger viewers will come across it by accident or seek it out, having generally less disposable income to spend (or indeed inclination, so perhaps there's an argument for self -regulation via content/genre?) on foreign historical cold war drama. 

 • What are the pros and cons of regulating online media and streaming services?

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