Sunday, January 6, 2019

Film industry research

First week back - Film research - good luck in your PPEs

Look at chart below with films from 2016, make a similar one with top films that the big six have produced in 2018.

Create a table with the following headings. 

One to twenty along the left hand side of the top grossing films of 2018.
Headings across the top: Gross income, Production Company, Genre, Age certificate
  • Looking at your chart, answer the following questions:
How many are from the big six? What company produced the greatest financial successes?
What genre of films dominate?
Are they blockbuster, indie, foreign? Any successes that aren't typically big grossing films?
How many are are sequels?
How many are blockbusters aimed at a younger audience?
How many different formats are there? ie 2D Name them.
What kinds of film genres seem to be missing?
How many of the film distributors seem to be producers as well?
Who do you think are the target audiences for most of these?

  • Have a look at release schedule in the UK for December 2018, January 2019 and Feb. What are your findings? Winter months tend to focus on award winning films as it's award season, blockbusters tend to come out during the big school holidays starting around Easter.

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