Thursday, January 31, 2019


Latest blog posts... Labels you should use are in bold

1) your top three media and why INTRO
2) intro to media notes INTRO
3) summer tasks INTRO
4)genre picture task (how did you frame your picture to denote the genre you were assigned. Analyse each top picture for that genre and write about what went well, even better if) LANGUAGE
5) Steve Neale - Genre theory, give a brief explanation and example THEORY
6) Hybrid genre description  VOCABULARY 
7) Find a poster and add DISTINCT to it so describe each of the areas (setting, themes, icons, narrative, characters, textual analysis) Apply SEMIOTICS - DENOTATION/CONNOTATION to these.  LANGUAGE
8) Camera shots filming showing understanding of meaning. LANGUAGE
9) Premiere editing, export onto youtube (make sure you have added a wide range of effects, visuals and added titles.) Write a short description of the task and what effects you learnt to use. CONSTRUCTION
10)  Mise En Scene, create an emaze and analyse sherlock shots A-E and then the print adverts applying CLAMPS to each LANGUAGE
11) Apply DISTINCT and Camera, Mise En Scene, Sound and Editing to the opening five minutes of Boyz N the Hood LANGUAGE
12) Theory video - make your assigned theorist an easy to remember experience by making it visual and applying it to real media texts. THEORY Email the youtube link please
13) Type up your audience notes and your own personal profile AUDIENCE
14) Advert-remake planned and filmed as a group, edited individually CONSTRUCTION
15) Class notes and bbc bitesize notes INDUSTRY
16) BBC bitesize glossary copied and pasted with vocabulary and industry label VOCABULARY/INDUSTRY
17) Industry theorists theory insight, don't just copy and paste them, really explain it THEORY
18) Industry presentation INDUSTRY

19) Upload 1A assessment, mark scheme and DIRT sheets onto blog. Save as pictures and upload onto blog. ASSESSMENT
20) Stuart Hall notes THEORY
21) Representation notes REPRESENTATION
22) Representation in a tv drama, music video, advert REPRESENTATION
23) News table - audience and circulation figures NEWS, AUDIENCE, INDUSTRY
24) Newspaper terminology, labelling and uploading video NEWS, LANGUAGE, AUDIENCE, VOCABULARY
25)  Study and do test add link to your blog NEWS
26) News values and analysis of two front covers (broadsheet and tabloid) NEWS, LANGUAGE
27) Upload class notes on advantages and disadvantages of online newspapers NEWS, LANGUAGE, AUDIENCE
28) Compare two website articles and analyse the language, comments (audience participation) about the article and each other, check the social media links and compare. NEWS, LANGUAGE, AUDIENCE
29) Mid market, Tabloids and Broadsheet comparison NEWS, LANGUAGE
30) George Gerbner THEORY and representation in the news NEWS, REPRESENTATION
31) Mediatique industry data - newspaper industry research with DM and The Guardian as main focus 10 questions NEWS, INDUSTRY

32) The Guardian news values and target audience NEWS, AUDIENCE
33) Compare news websites, comments and social media posts NEWS, AUDIENCE
34) 500 word essay Why have print newspaper sales declined? NEWS, INDUSTRY, AUDIENCE
35) Class notes on audience, pros and cons of online media AUDIENCE
36) News topics from the past couple of years, presentations and notes from others' NEWS
37) Daily Mail mock up front cover CONSTRUCTION

38) Jungle Book presentation FILM, INDUSTRY
39) Jungle Book interview and evaluation FILM, INDUSTRY
40) Jungle Book group essay FILM, INDUSTRY
42) Radio presentation homework (upload class presentation) RADIO, INDUSTRY, AUDIENCE
43) Group episode schedule with details RADIO, INDUSTRY, AUDIENCE
45) Radio practical - new DJ auditions RADIO, CONSTRUCTION

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