Friday, September 6, 2019

NEA requirements and pitch

NEA requirements - make sure you've ticked these off first then be creative! We don't want a moderator to say it didn't quite fit the genre or the representations weren't clear enough.

Look through research and planning slides and look at the requirements of the spec such as different locations, representation of social groups, performance...

This is a presentation for the rest of the class, class feeds back you take on feedback. Look at statement of intent doc and see how you might apply them.

For TV Drama

- characters
- intro music
- narrative
- themes
- locations
- main influences
- look/style

For magazines:

- magazine ideas (3 different kinds)
- name of mag
- colour scheme fonts
- what kind of entertainment magazine
- what areas will be included in the contents pages (show some influences)
- ideas for front covers - choose from real magazines

For music videos:

- song choices - 3
- name of artist band
- style (find similar looking videos)
- performance, narrative
- costume/location ideas
- lyrics

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