Saturday, September 28, 2019

NEA Deadlines

Week ending:

Song choices/Pitch presentation

final song choice/tv/magazine
narrowing down ideas themes after presentations (incorporating feedback)
choosing performers/models
costume ideas
locations finalised, blog organised with pitches uploaded onto slides

storyboard/shooting schedules/risk assessments
Finalise locations, costumes and props
Filming/Shooting week/ first draft of SOI due

Start website design, to include labels and brand try and get the website name to have your brand name - I think you need to create a gmail for your brand for this.

Any more filming needed

All filming/photography complete


Week ending:

Editing begins, audio visual filmed for websites

Halfway evaluations - gather feedback and upload

First draft of production - website articles/dvd covers uploaded
Teacher and peer feedback commencing the following week.
Reflect upon and upload to slides.

Amend your statement of aims to reflect finished product intentions.
Website complete

Final productions - music videos, magazines and tv docs

January 2021- Fld/Kbr will moderate your productions (30% of your A level grade sorted!)

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Question 1 news question, examiners report, mark scheme and exemplar

Question 1 Analyse the different social and cultural representations in Sources A and B. Apply Hall's theory of representation in your answer.

  • Image result for daily mirror lies damn liesImage result for Daily Mail let's reignite the British spirit
Mark scheme

Examiners' feedback

  • Higher achieving candidates developed sophisticated discussions of the social and cultural representations rather than simply describing the way Theresa May had been represented. 
  • There were a wide range of interpretations about what constituted Hall's theory of representation; therefore, it was necessary to be broad in accepting candidates' application application of the theory to the two texts.
  • Some candidates analysed the two texts and then tried to shoehorn Hall's theory into their answer
  • Interpretations of Hall ranged from stereotypes, to power relations, analysis of gender and finally to reception theory 
Full mark answer Q1:

Image result for september 17 2019 daily express Image result for sep 17 2019 the guardian

AO2: 1 – apply knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media to analyse media products, including in relation to their contexts and through the use of academic theories Total 10 marks
Practise question 1 indicative content
·         Gauntlett’s theory applies to a sense of identity that a newspaper can offer its readers eg identity of a liberal, progressive arts loving Guardian readers or a patriotic, hard-headed Daily Express reader (ordinary person who likes to keep in touch and enjoys celebrity news) give evidence of these
·         Diverse and contradictory media messages – give examples
·         Both main images are identical and have been selected to represent Luxembourg’s prime minister at a press conference standing on his own signalling toward at a podium pointing at an empty
·         Empty podium significant as Mr Johnson was meant to be answering questions
·         This significant event is influenced by political bias – DE pro Johnson and anti European and Guardian anti Johnson more remain – support with text
·         The use of space and composition in the Guardian main image alongside the anchorage of headline/copy reinforces the narrative of Boris’ absence as cowardly or embarrassing
·         The DE layout forces focus onto Luxembourg PM and surrounds him with derogatory defensive text using words such as tiny haven, stage-managed, anti-Brexit, no wonder childish language
·         If Gauntlett says people use media to build self identities – The Guardian would appeal more to left wing Remainers and the DE to right wing leavers

Friday, September 6, 2019

NEA requirements and pitch

NEA requirements - make sure you've ticked these off first then be creative! We don't want a moderator to say it didn't quite fit the genre or the representations weren't clear enough.

Look through research and planning slides and look at the requirements of the spec such as different locations, representation of social groups, performance...

This is a presentation for the rest of the class, class feeds back you take on feedback. Look at statement of intent doc and see how you might apply them.

For TV Drama

- characters
- intro music
- narrative
- themes
- locations
- main influences
- look/style

For magazines:

- magazine ideas (3 different kinds)
- name of mag
- colour scheme fonts
- what kind of entertainment magazine
- what areas will be included in the contents pages (show some influences)
- ideas for front covers - choose from real magazines

For music videos:

- song choices - 3
- name of artist band
- style (find similar looking videos)
- performance, narrative
- costume/location ideas
- lyrics