Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Theory videos


Barthes - Semiotics - Denotation (Zoe/Grace)

Todorov - Narratology - Equilibrium (Nathan/Ella)

Neale - Genre - DISTINCT repetition and difference of conventions (Matilda)

Levi - Strauss - Structuralism - Binary opposites (Ella/Louis)

Jean Baudrillard- postmodernism - key terms simulacra and hyper reality (Fred)


Livingstone and Lunt - Regulation, who is it for and can it keep up with new technology? (James)

Curran and Seaton - more variety of media companies needed (Kieran)

David Hesmondhalgh - Concern over only a few companies holding a lot of power (George)


Bandura - Media effects (Maisie)

Gerbner - Cultivation (Rob/Sofya/Tom/George)

Stuart Hall - Reception (he has two theories on the list so stress this is the reception theory) Anjelica/Joe

Henry Jenkins - Fandom - internet allows fans to gather/create/share own texts (Brooke)

Clay Shirky - End of Audience


Stuart Hall - Media stereotypes - Sam

Liesbet Van Zoonen - men and women are represented differently in the media - women are objectified  -  Daisy

David Gauntlett - identity and the internet/ each individual has a bigger variety of representations - Regan

Bell Hooks - race, class, gender affect patriarchal domination - Ami

Judith Butler - gender is a social contruction - masculine and feminine repetition - Lily

Paul Gilroy - colonies, representation of these groups are still affected by that time - Leo

For each of these you don't need too much more than what's been given to you by the board but it's not easy to understand without explanation or examples so you'll need to research other student presentations, Mrs Fisher's theory videos on youtube,
and give us examples we can relate to. Make it fun or serious but try and see if you can think of ways/tricks that you used last year when revising for your GCSEs to help you remember them.

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