Thursday, November 7, 2019

Halfway evaluations

Halfway evaluations are a really good way of looking at some of your work, finding out where you're going with it and giving you some feedback. Due next Thursday 14th November please provide a presentation including the following:

- music video/tv drama drafts- 1 minute's worth of production so we can get an idea of the themes and the locations
- magazine production - front cover and contents draft
- your website - show us your social media, your various pages and how they will link with your branding, remember you need audio visual material on your website.
- How are you going to attract/communicate with your audience on your website

Demonstrate how you will be converging your new brand and what you are still to include in your productions. The class will have the criteria and indicative content and judge you on it so please read through it carefully. It is here:

Here are some good examples.