Friday, November 2, 2018


  • Group countertypes and stereotypes to be uploaded onto google drive
•Representation in newspaper front covers of your choice:•

  • Upload Stuart Hall theory label theory - what is his representation theory?
  • Use your media language techniques to discuss representation in your clip.
  • What/who is being represented?
  • How is it being represented?
  • How is the representation made to seem 'true', 'commonsense' or 'natural'?
  • What is foregrounded and what is backgrounded? Are there any notable absences?
  • Whose representation is it? Whose interests does it reflect? How do you know?
  • What have you learnt about the overall direction of the film’s representation?
  • What way do you believe you have ‘received’ the meaning of the newspaper: through preferred, negotiated or oppositional reading? (Hall’s theory) Explain in detail, using supporting textual reference.