Friday, October 19, 2018

Advert evaluation

Write up individually into a paragraph. NEW LABEL ALERT REFLECTION (add your previous advert and your industry feedback to this also)

1) What was the task you were given and who was your target audience? As the audience wasn't typical of the product how did you manage to sell it? What was the name of your brand?

2) Who did you work with and how did you divide the research, planning, filming and responsibilities?

3) How did you plan your sequence?

4) What research and planning did you undertake?

5) What was you initial feedback? What did others say about your production? How successful was your sequence?

6) Identify what went well and with hindsight what you do to improve/do differently.

7) What have you learnt from completing this task (groups skills, communication, compromise, using your initiative, creative input, production skills, editing etc)

8) Looking ahead, how will this learning be significant when completing your future productions?

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Assessment 1A

Your assessment will cover some of the media framework - LIA (see the relevant labels) and some of the theories and vocabulary we've studied so far. We haven't done representation yet (R).

A) You will be asked to produce one piece of extended writing - 30 minutes

Areas​ ​that​ ​may​ ​be​ ​covered​ ​(where​ ​applicable);

  • The production company behind the media product being analysed.
  • How technological change has impacted upon how the product has been produced and how it is available to audiences.
  • Audiences
  • The genre of the product
  • Analysis of camera shots, fonts, text, language - overall mise en scene and semiotics
  • Discussion about the forms and conventions of the genre, audience expectations of the genre and whether the genre has evidenced change over time. Is hybridity used? Why (link to the audience)?
  • Remember to develop all of the points that you make and support all points with clear evidence from the text (when discussing issues of representation and audience).

B) Then there will be a section of short answers where you will be asked about theories and vocab - 20 minutes

I have sent you a file with all the theorists and the ones you might be tested on will all be from the Language and Industry categories.